
Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Sweetest Authors Chat August 14, 2009!

The Sweetest Romance Authors are Chatting!

The Sweetest Romance Authors are chatting ALL DAY in the Latte Lounge on August 14th. Learn about your favorite authors, meet new ones, enter contests, win prizes, and have FUN!

Hope to see you THERE

Can't seem to get the link working so may have to copy and paste:


  1. Okay, yell at me. I have an invite from Shelley Munro to join the gang at CoffeeTime. I've never activated it. It's not an interest thing; it's a time thing.


  2. I won't yell at you Susan!
    I understand the time issue completely! But go get registered at CTR and visit the chat if you can! There are very nice authors who will be there!!

  3. I haven't been to the chat at CoffeeTime before...maybe I'll give it a shot!

  4. That would be great J. Kaye! You have to register and then go to the Latte Lounge room and the forums are in threads. A little confusing at first but you get the hang of it. Hope to see you there!

  5. OH Martha! Thanks SO much for letting me know about this! I really would like to try and stop by!

    xoxo Amy (Park-Avenue Princess)

  6. Hi Amy - Thought I had replied last night but the computer was locking up. Hope I'll se you at the chat - should be fun!


Your comments are always appreciated!