
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Review of Spinning Forward (Plus Giveaway!)

Title: Spinning Forward
Author: Terri Dulong
Publisher: Kensington Books
Buy Link: Coming in October 2009
Rating: You GOTTA Read 5 stars!!
Reviewed by: MarthaE

Blurb: (From back of book) A New Englander born and bred, the last place Sydney Webster expects to find herself starting over is on an island off the coast of Florida. Yet here she is in Cedar Key, trying to pull herself together after her husband's untimely death—and the even more untimely revelation of his gambling addiction. Bereft of her comfortable suburban life, Syd takes shelter at a college pal’s bed and breakfast, where amidst the bougainvillea blossoms and the island's gentle rhythms, a plan begins to form…
Syd never considered the possibility of turning her passion for spinning and knitting into something more than a hobby, but when the unique composition of her wool draws attention, a door is opened—the first among many. Yet even as she ventures out of her comfort zone, Syd finds herself stepping into the embrace of a community rich with love, laughter, friendship...and secrets. And as long-hidden truths are revealed, Syd faces a choice: spin a safety net—or spin decidedly forward and never look back...

Review: I do not read a lot of women’s fiction but I am very glad I read this wonderful book! I would love to have a half dozen copies to give to family and friends!

Sydney has discovered that she is lost when her husband dies. As she learns the true extent of his gambling addiction she learns that even their house is gone in foreclosure. She discovers that not only did she never really know her husband but she doesn’t really know herself. She is feeling defeated by fear and doubt.

The story proceeds to follow Sydney through the next year as she grows from a depressed, abandoned, helpless woman to a joyful and assured business woman! Her business has a uniqueness that is charming – I have to check to see if they really do use that source for yarn!

The story includes a group of really wonderful secondary characters who are instrumental in their own ways in making Sydney face reality and find her own inner strength. There is best friend and B&B owner, Alison; determined and independent daughter Monica; sweet, helpful friend Dora; the very strange and eccentric elderly Sybile; and the elderly and oh so sweet Saren Ghetti! And of course a sexy male friend, Nick!

The setting is a beautiful place, Cedar Keys, in Florida but it is background to this character driven story. Although the story includes the male and female romantic relationship, with ups and downs, I found this to be a romance of spirit. This book celebrates life and a woman finding her own center and contentment. The writing is easy and flows. I did not want to stop reading and kept wanting to find out what would happen to Sydney next – what she would uncover or learn about others or herself. Will Sydney learn to fully soar? Read this wonderful book to find out!

Enter the Giveaway for the ARC at FIRST GIVEAWAY

Don't forget to comment here at the review for 2 entries - one for commenting and the second if you mention another women's novel you have liked!


  1. Spinning Forward looks so interesting.

    Another women's novel I liked was The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve.

    wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. This sounds like a delightful book. I love reading about strong women.

  3. I have another author I love to read with yarn involved Barbara Bretton. This sounds right up my alley. Have a great day.

  4. This looks really good, I'm not much into the sewing crafts but I have read some really good books that focus on those areas nonetheless and this sounds like a winner.

  5. I love your reviews, Martha!

    I can't wait to finish my book and have you work your magic!! LOL


  6. great blog. i'm following you now. you should check mine out. i do author interviews with book give-a-ways!

  7. This sounds like a book I would really enjoy.

    Debbie Macomber's Blossom Street Series is very good.

    Carol M
    mittens0831 AT

  8. This sounds like a great book! Would love to win the contest..or even just borrow your book mom! (Hehe! I am good like that! I win either way!) Just kidding! But really, the other women's book that I truly loved, was Blue Heart Blessed. (We talked about that today after my wedding dress fitting!)

  9. Sounds like a fabulous read to me. I always read things like this and wonder "What would I ever do if that was me? How would I cope with learning this information at such a difficult time anyways? How would that affect my grieving process?" Seeing women pick themselves up and move on rather than dwell is inspiring and hopeful to me.

  10. Great Review Martha, this sounds like a good read especially for nonromance ;).

    Pam S

  11. What an excellent review. This looks like a book I would enjoy. Like you I read other things before women's fiction but I also appreciate an author who has an interesting central character with a good story to tell and also strong secondary characters which end up being memorable too.

    espressogurl at hotmail dot com

  12. Shawna Lewis

    I am glad to hear this is a romance of the spirit, it sounds wonderful!!! Thanks for this review!!!

  13. Thanks for this great review! This books sounds really good!

  14. Your review explains the book so well! I'd love to read this because it sounds like an uplifting book for her to find joy in finding a hobby progressing into a business! This book would help me out in my life! Great review!

  15. Just popping by to thank you, Martha, for such a wonderful review!

    And to thank all of you who left a comment. I deeply appreciate it.

    FYI to Martha: Yes.....there IS such a source for knitting with that fiber (and I won't give it away here what it is) I have never tried it myself, huge knitter that I am. However, I have a girlfriend who lived on Cedar Key that DID use it and showed me and explained the whole process to me. I found all of it quite fascinating.

    Again, thank you to everybody!

  16. Terri- Thanks so much for visiting! It was a wonderful book and I was lucky to get to read it - congratulations! That is neat about the knitting material! Guess people will have to read the book to find out what it is! :D

  17. That sounds WONDERFUL!

    Thanks for letting me know....I can't wait to read my free copy from amazon!

  18. Hey Lady Tami! I am sure you will really like this lovely book!


Your comments are always appreciated!