
Monday, July 20, 2009

Some News on Kindles

I have been getting some interesting news about Kindles and eBooks from groups and newsletters. Thought some of you might find these interesting if you haven't seen them yet.

First it seems Amazon has removed some books from Kindles!
Courtesy of MissMae at The Sweetest Romance Group:\

I'm glad I have been copying my eBooks even from the Kindle Store! I have learned to back up any data!!

Next Courtesy of author Joanna Waugh's Newsletter:
1. Check out this New York Times article about concerns in the publishing industry about ebook releases and print books sales.
The Plot Thickens in Publishing Industry

I don't mind waiting for a lower price on eBooks (sorry author friends!) I hardly ever get hard backs anyway as I prefer paper backs. How 'bout you?

2. Amazon to release Kindle in the UK by year end -
Hope that will help some of our overseas author friends to sell and enjoy eBooks more than they can now!


  1. Hi Martha! I always thought when you bought a book, its yours! Its like they coming into my living room and saying a book is no longer available for you to have and taking it off my bookshelf! Its on Publisher's weekly too:

    I haven't gotten a Kindle yet. I know my EBookWise reader is limited because I can't read secure books on it but for now that's ok, I'll stay with the prints for that. Great that the UK readers will soon have a ebook reader!

    There are so many hardcovers I'd love to read! Like Dorothy McFalls THE NUDE, a historical with Five-Star (I think) and only in HC. There are others there and at Avalon all HC that I want to read. My library doesn't have it nor can they get it for me. And I can't pay the same price for a HC as a ebook, I just don't believe in that. Its a pet peeve of mine. But sadly I'm missing so many reads because of this. Black Lace went to trade size books and that had me cutting down getting books from there. I have to budget and this doesn't let me so I too love to find sales! I like They have their Mass Market books on sale too.

    Great post and info! Thanks!

  2. I'll wait longer for the ebook if the price is right, just can't afford those hardcovers anymore with the current budget and economy. There are only a few HCs I get that I don't want to wait for, but even then I wait until I find a deal on it. I don't care for those that price ebook versions the same as print, it has to cost less. Will be interesting to see what happens with the big pubs and ebooks the coming year.

  3. Caffey and Pam - thanks for your comments. Definitely our budgets have an influence on our buying habits! As the saying goes - You can't always get what you want! LOL.
    Caffey - I think libraries (especially small town ones) do not have a large selection of current romances.
    Pam - It will be interesting to watch the developments in the eBook industry!


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