
Thursday, June 30, 2011

MBS Blogoversary SPOTLIGHT #10: Author Patricia Andres


Pat is another lovely author I met through SweettoSensual Romance Group.
Pat writes children's stories and Paranormal Romance.  I reviewed one of Pat's charming children stories, Maggie. In March eTreasures Publishing released Pat's Paranormal Romance, Love From the Ashes.

I asked each author to answer two questions for their spotlight.
The first I asked and the second they provided.

 Question #1:  Why do you write/what do you hope your readers get from your books?
A:  Something inside impels me to put my thoughts into words. I'm in love with words and relish seeing them on paper. My hope is that the reader will absorb them with the same feeling.

Question #2:  What draws you to a book?
A: I am drawn to a book by the language of the title, the blurb and then the cover. I love clever titles most of all.

Please visit Pat at her website below.
For extra credit you can comment at her blog or email her to say "Hi" and "Thank you" for the support and giveaway at MBS Blogoversary.

Giveaway donated by Pat:
Two Childrens' books: Maggie, a Savannah Dog and  Roseanna, a Savannah Squirrel

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Book Review and Giveaway: The Constantine Codex by Paul L. Maier

What could happen if a 1st Century copy of the Bible were found?
The Constantine Codex (Skeleton Series) by Paul L. Maier

    The Constantine Codex (Skeleton Series)
  • Hardcover: 416 pages
  • Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. (May 18, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1414337736
  • ISBN-13: 978-1414337739
   Genre: Christian Fiction
   My Rating: 3.75 of 5.0

Product Description
Harvard Professor Jonathan Weber is finally enjoying a season of peace when a shocking discovery thrusts him into the national spotlight once again. While touring monasteries in Greece, Jon and his wife Shannon—a seasoned archaeologist—uncover an ancient biblical manuscript containing the lost ending of Mark and an additional book of the Bible. If proven authentic, the codex could forever change the way the world views the holy Word of God. As Jon and Shannon work to validate their find, it soon becomes clear that there are powerful forces who don’t want the codex to go public. When it’s stolen en route to America, Jon and Shannon are swept into a deadly race to find the manuscript and confirm its authenticity before it’s lost forever.
Review: This is an interesting story with lots of Christian detail.

When I first started this book I was very excited as it reminded me of a Christian version of an Indiana Jones adventure. Too bad that level of excitement did not remain although there is a remarkable archealogical find, a theft and a recovery.

Jon, a Harvard Professor and known Biblical scholar, and his wife, Shannon, an experienced archaeologist, are part of a group called Institute of Christian Origins or ICO. The institute’s purpose is to search church libraries world wide for manuscripts of historic importance, to catalog them, photograph and protect them.

Shannon finds some leaves in a church library in Pella which indicate that Luke may have written a Second book of Acts. They set out on a trip to Greece to have a foremost expert authenticate the leaves. Next Shannon discovers an ancient manuscript in the ‘cemetery’ or repair and storage room of a Greek Orthodox Church. Jon and Shannon realize that this codex appears to have been one of 50 copies commissioned by Constantine. They believe it was written in 335 and they are shocked to discover that it contains extra material not found in later Biblical translations. This is a phenomenal find but must remain secret and safe until it can be authenticated and announced to the world.

Jon has had a fatwa, an Islamic death order, placed on him due to an insult taken as the result of a typographical error in the Arabic translation of his latest work. This threat delays their trip to Greece and involves the FBI to secure their safety. The CIA is also brought in for security detail when Jon and Shannon go to Turkey where Jon has agreed to a debate with an Islamic leader challenging Christianity versus Islam as the more supportable faith.

The debate is an interesting and informative presentation of Christian arguments versus the Islamic views.  The different level of honest expression of dialogue is portrayed in Jon’s having to be particularly careful not to step on toes or cause offense in his debate responses.

The dialogue between Jon and Shannon is sweet and almost corny. There are some twists in the plot with the theft and subsequent recovery of the Codex and the discovery of the inside villain. The writing flow is easy although a little on the dry side as sometimes it seemed the author was presenting facts almost in lecture mode. Still, I did enjoy the wealth of details, statistics and faith arguments woven into the plot. I wouldn't call this gripping reading but it qualifies as interesting and informative.


Thank you to Glass Road PR for the book to read and review.

1.  Visit the Author's Website and tell me something you find of interest there.
Please leave your e-mail!

2. For an extra entry, become a follower or tell me if you are already a follower.

3. For two extra entries, blog, facebook, tweet (any of those networks!) about this giveaway and tell me where you did.

(Four total entries possible.)
It isn't necessary to use separate entries unless you want them in different chronological order.

* This contest is open US and Canada only.
* No P.O. Boxes Please - for shipping reasons.
* This contest will close 10:00 PM (Central) on July 14, 2011.
The winner will be randomly selected from all entries.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MBS Blogoversary SPOTLIGHT #9: Author CAROL NORTH


Carol and I became friends as moderators at the SweettoSensual Romance Group.  I am happy to have been able to print one of her books, Gifts For the Goddess, at eTreasures Publishing. Carol writes romance. I reviewed several books including Love's Reflection, and Savannah Heat (formerly titled Miss Bisque and the Colonel).
Gifts for the Goddess

Savannah Heat       Eternally His
Savannah HeatEternally His

Savannah WritesYin and Yang Fit: The Zen of Relationships
Carol also has a group of short stories you can check out on her site and she hosts a monthly giveaway of a tote bag (I love mine!) or an apron.
I asked each author to answer two questions for their spotlight.
The first I asked and the second they provided.

Question #1:  Why do you write/what do you hope your readers get from your books?
Love's ReflectionA:  From early childhood, books enchanted me. I recall being about five and declaring, "I'm gonna be a writer when I grow up." That strong desire was manifested in 1983 when I began my career as a professional technical and business writer. Later I wrote short stories that were published both in print and in online publications. Today, I have three novels and a novella published and am working on a fourth novel. For me, the answer to why I write is "I need to write as much as I need to breathe."

I hope I can take the reader on an emotional journey when she or he reads one of my books. I believe fiction is emotion. If you're reading a book that isn't emotionally engaging you might as well be reading the phone book. For example, in Gifts for the Goddess, published by eTreasures Publishing, the heroine is searching for that elusive relationship with a soul mate. The story touches emotions because her search is universal--we all want to find lasting, undying love.

Love's Reflection, the book I'm offering as a giveaway for this event, is a romantic comedy with a big "what if?" It's meant to brighten your day.

Question #2:  I'd like to tell you about my next novel. My work-in-progress, "Little Dove," is a historical. It's slower going because of the amount of research required. For instance, if I write "the doorbell rang," I need to know how doorbells looked in 1900. Were they electric? Did they have chimes? How did people make them ring? By pushing a button? Pulling a cord? What sound did they make? A clang? A ring?

I'm having a lot of fun writing my first historical, and have another planned.

Thank you, Martha, for giving me this opportunity to be a part of the Second Year Blogaversary.
Please visit Carol at her link below.
For extra credit you can email her to say "Hi" and "Thank you" for the support and giveaway at MBS Blogoversary.

Giveaway donated by Carol:
eBook Copy of Love's Reflection.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Amazing People Club Free eBooks June and July

In May I introduced you to the Amazing People Club.  Here is another chance to join and get a free ebook by joining. Or you may email me if you would like a copy of the PDF of the Thomas Edison eStory.

The audio is also available when you visit Amazing People Club  and JOIN THE CLUB (free to join).
The following is some information about their special offers and giveaways for the coming two months.  These titles are quite topical and relevant with the celebrations of Father’s Day, 4th July etc.  We fondly refer to Thomas Edison as the ‘Father of Invention’ and Abraham Lincoln as “Father of a Nation”. 

Meet Abraham Lincoln eStory          $0.99               1-30 June 2011
Meet Thomas Edison eStory             FREE*             1-30 June 2011
Meet Thomas Edison Audio              FREE*            1-30 June 2011
Meet Albert Einstein Audio               $0.99              1-30 June 2011
Amazing Americans eBook               $3.99               1-31 July 2011
Meet George Washington eStory      $0.99               1-31 July 2011
Meet Lillian Gilbreth eStory              FREE*             1-31 July 2011
*Free when you JOIN THE CLUB at (free to join!)


MBS Blogoversary SPOTLIGHT #8: Author Diane Craver


A Fiery SecretI'm not positive where I met Diane although I think it was either the Sweet & Sensual Romance Group or The Sweetest Romance Authors Group. But I have eyed her books and was lucky to win one last year - A Fiery Secret! It is in that box of 'won books' to read and I have scheduled to read it in September.

Diane is  multi-genre author with offerings in Contemporary Romance, Historical Fiction, Inspirational, Inspirational Romance, Mystery, Sweet Romance.
Never the Same 
No Greater Loss 

 Never the SameNo Greater Loss
Celebrating and Caring for Your Baby with Special Needs 
Celebrating and Caring for Your Baby with Special Needs HOW TO RUN A PROFITABLE PRESCHOOL WITHOUT THE HASSLE
Marrying Mallory
Whitney In Charge
Marrying MalloryWhitney In Charge

A Christmas Collection: SensualThe ProposalCurrently THE PROPOSAL is available by itself for 99 cents at Amazon and other online sites!   It was originally included in THE CHRISTMAS COLLECTION: Sensual ANTHOLOGY

I asked each author to answer two questions for their spotlight.
The first I asked and the second they provided
Question #1:  Why do you write/what do you hope your readers get from your books?

A:  I can't imagine not writing. I love reading and writing. I'm constantly thinking of future story lines. When something happens in my real life or if I hear something on the news, I think about putting a different outcome or spin on it. I ask myself, would that be a good story? I also love developing my characters into warm and vulnerable people.

I hope readers enjoy my stories and find them thoroughly entertaining.  Also if the characters become as real and believable to them as they are to me, then I did my job as an author.
Question #2:  What is A CHRISTMAS GIFT about?

A Christmas GiftA:  Some of A CHRISTMAS GIFT is based on my childhood experiences, so that lends an authentic feel to the whole story. Love seeps through the characters, even though the story line and characters are fictional. Debby Reeves is an adult in the prologue and epilogue of the book. The rest of the book is told through the viewpoint of Debby as a bright seven-year-old. Her father, Justin Reeves, is a man who has it all: a good job, a loving wife and children who are the center of his universe. Justin also has a secret he’d hidden from everyone his entire life. One night Debby stumbles upon his secret and is shocked by what she finds. She confronts her father with the awful truth. What happens next is heartwarming and proves that obstacles can be overcome at any age.

Despite the title, A CHRISTMAS GIFT, isn't just for the holiday season but can be enjoyed year round.
Please visit Diane here or her links below.
For extra credit you can comment at one of her blog links or email her to say "Hi" and "Thank you" for the support and giveaway.
Jewels of the Quill

Giveaway donated by Diane:
Print copy of The Christmas Gift
US Only.
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